preventing and reversing disease with sound nutrition principles and mind-body awareness

Monday, May 10, 2010

spaghetti squash...or squash in your spaghetti

In the winter time, you see more of the winter squashes, one of which is Spaghetti Squash. Its name comes from the stringy appearance...and makes for a great replacement of the wheat pasta version of spaghetti. I found that it is so easy to "overdo" on pasta, that I prefer this vegetable with sauce instead. Now that the summer time is coming, we are seeing the summer squashes, which include zucchini (green) and yellow squash. These you can cut up (as full circles or further cut into quarters) and put into your tomato sauce...and pour on top of your spaghetti! Once again, it makes the meal lighter- you get full faster and do not feel the need to eat more pasta. The squash will make the entree more nutrient dense, which is better for our health...and it's almost hidden!

*If you have a garden (or know someone that does), you are probably aware that squash seems to grow abundantly, and this will be a good way to put it to use (without getting tired of it!).