preventing and reversing disease with sound nutrition principles and mind-body awareness

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"move into life"-a book from anat baniel

Do you ever stop and think about how much energy and creativity you had as a kid...or a few years ago...? I do. Thanks to a folder of information someone gave me a year ago, I was recently connected to the work of Anat Baniel, who spent years studying with Moshe Feldenkrais. I just finished reading Anat Baniel's book, "Move Into Life," which was released in 2009. To sum things up, it pulled together so many observations and experiences I've had over the past 10 years or so. Even if you think you already understand and live Anat's "Nine Essentials of Vitality," the book is very entertaining- she quotes from and tells stories about numerous famous people and events in history that tie into her principles so well. This woman is inspiring, as her "tone of voice" throughout the book makes you feel like all of this knowledge is from a sincere desire to learn and from experiences from helping thousands of people. She is humble in expressing the miracles that have come from these observations and "awareness." There is an overall theme in pressing forward despite what others may deem as "impossible," simply because it is hard to deny what is actually working!

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